Thursday, May 30, 2013

Baby products I could never live without and I suggest you don’t either:

These products are in no certain order and some of them aren’t items you might use might use past the 4 month mark, but nonetheless, all of these make my mommy essentials list.
That being said, I have spent countless hours toiling away in stores or at Amazon (my love) searching for baby products that would make me and my husband’s life easier. I have a 7 month old, so I won’t have anything listed for toddler years because I am not there yet. If you have any suggestions for me though at that point, please chime in! 

1.       The wubbanub
Once you get past the fact the pacifier is not removable (that’s the point), you will see this is an ingenious little product. Not only is it super adorable, and you get all Of Mice and Men when you see your baby using it, it’s pretty functional. For the ittle wittle babies it’s a great sleeping aid. If your baby is like mine and just sleeps better with a binky in their mouth, this works. For when they cannot hold it yet, you can prop it in their mouth's. It helps them to relax and fall asleep. It’s better as they get older because they can hold it and play with it at the same time. Here you go kiddo!

2.       Sleep sacks
They have many different names, but look for the ones that zip up. Being swaddled looks torturous to us, but the babies love it, let’s just get over it. Yes, some babies aren’t havin that, but for the majority, it just works. I suggest the zip up because it’s a no brainer and swaddling to me is just tedious, I don’t have time for that.

3. Cloud B Sleep Sheep
I discovered very early into mommy hood that white noise was the best invention ever! It has been a key factor into my baby’s talented ability to fall asleep on her own. It relaxed her in the car when she went through her, “I hate this car seat” phase and now when she hears it, she knows its bed time. Any white noise maker will do if you can’t get this one. There are dozens of free iphone apps I used just as much, if not more.

4.       Cloth Diapers
I began using cloth diapers when my baby hit right around 3 months. Before I looked into, I was totally against them, and if you haven’t converted yet, I was just like you. In your best whiny voice you might think, “They’re gross”, “Too much laundry”, “Poop in my washing machine!? Umm No”.
Listen up! None of this is true! They are the best thing ever since sliced bread. The washing is easy and no poop is in your washing machine honey! They save you tons of money, and best of all you’re keeping your baby away from the harmful toxins found in your 150 pack of Huggies. They are so stinkin cute! Once you start, I promise you will become obsessed! Suggestion for slackers like myself: The Best Bottom Diapering System (this one takes the fear out of it).

5.       Baby food maker
As you will soon learn I am all about calling out toxic products and avoiding them, especially for my baby. Yes, they have organic baby food, but it’s prepackaged and some of them have one too many ingredients to really be safe. Making your own baby food is really worth it. You get to hand pick your babies nutrients and start off their taste buds early. Who wants a picky eater? I have a niece that will only eats chicken nuggets and I often want to talk to her like she isn’t related to me. 
6.       Baby Carrier
Please, please, please, if you are a new mom-hop on this train! There are a lot of great baby carriers on the market. Avoid Baby Bjorn- it will jack your baby’s hips up. My favorites are, The Boba Carrier, The Hava, The K’Tan and the Ergo. There are actual studies that have been conducted that baby carrying will make your baby cry less and it also adds a big boost to their vocabulary. Added bonus: if you like to shop, pop the kiddo in there and they will leave you to it.

I really have tons more product suggestions, but I think I will individually feature them. I don’t want to make this post as long as I really could.

I implore you to buy these products. Especially if you are a new mom, they really will make your life much easier.

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